You know frequently works of architects are not as noticed as works of musicians, singers or artists, however it is necessary just pay attention to the woman we’ll talk about right now.
Zaha Hadid stands among such modern architects as Ludwig Mies van der Roz, Frank Lloyd Wright, Norman Foster, Frank Gehry, Ram Koolkhas, Renzo Piano, Jean Nouvel, Daniel Libeskind, Santiago Calatrava. She is the first and the one woman in the history who has the Pritzker Architecture Prize that was given to her in the Hermitage theater (St. Petersburg) in 2004. She was also awarded ranks of the Lady-commodore of an award of the British Empire in 2012.

Works of the British woman of the Arab origin show impulsive dynamics, smooth forms, an overflowing of one surface in another, acute angles, sharp geometry. She is the bright representative of the deconstruction style*.
More information: The works performed in the spirit of the Soviet constructivism of the 1920th years and idea of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida for construction practice are the base of the deconstruction. As independent style it was created in the 1980th thanks to Peter Eisenman’s and Daniel Libeskind’s works. For projects in this style are common: external complexity, sudden broken lines, destructive forms, aggressive invasion into an urban environment, deliberate feeling at the looking conflict of construction with itself and with environment.

When Zaha was 11 years, she understood whom she want to be. At the age of 18 she left home and went to America to learn maths. When she reached 22 years , Zaha came to Architectural Association in England. Roma Koolhaus was the legend of deconstruction style and he became her teacher, at the age of 30 she found her own architectural firm Zaha Hadid Architects which has realized about 950 projects in 44 countries thanks to forces of 400 people who were registered in her bureau.
Дипломная работа, названная «Тектоник Малевича» (проект обитаемого моста над Темзой)? Перевернутый небоскреб для г.Лестера в Англии? Клуб на вершине горы в Гонконге? Пожарная часть, напоминающая бомбардировщик «Стеллс»? Да, это все относится к ранним работам удивительной Захи Хадид. К сожалению, многие остались нереализованными из-за того, что их считали «безумными и нереалистичными». К счастью, Заха не переставала повторять:
«I don’t like the word compromise.»
And she continued working in the unique style, proving the world reality of the fantastic ideas and creating such projects as:
- Guangzhou opera house
The building of 70 000 sq.m, with a capacity of 2200 people (big and small halls). The budget: 200 million dollars. It was designed taking into account all requirements of acoustics thanks to what now it is the best symphonic building in the world.

- London acquatic centre
Richard Rogers and his colleagues have chosen the project of Zakhi from 200 competitive works. Initially construction has been designed for 3500 viewers, to the Olympic Games in the 2010th the quantity has been increased to 20 000, and after it was reduced to 3500 again. The centre consists of two 50 meter swimming pools and one for diving 25 m long. Budget: 269 million dollars. Thanks to this project Zakhi was given the Pritzker Architecture Prize.

- Heydar Aliyev Center
The building of 58 sq.m. and the roof of 74 m high bears a name of the 3rd president of Azerbaijan. In the cultural building there’re congress room, the museum, showrooms and administrative offices. It is remarkable that the complex includes the park of 13, 58 hectares, the underground parking, 2 decorative ponds and the artificial lake. In 2014 m the construction was recognized the best in the world — the award Design of the Year.

- Performing Arts Centre
On the island Saadiyat («the island of happiness») in the Persian Gulf there will be a complex of three museums in the end of 2016: the construction of Louvre by Jean Nouvel, the museum Guggenheim by Frank Gehry and the cultural center designed by Zaha Hadid. The construction will include 2 concert halls, opera and drama theaters and the multipurpose hall for 6300 people. Panoramic windows will decorate the foyer of every hall.

- MAXXI (Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo)
The building was constructed in the 2010th year. It consists of «MAXXI Art» and «MAXXI Architecture» and includes a conference room, library, workshops and halls for carrying out various actions. Budget: 150 million euros. Construction that Italians nicknamed «makaroniny» is 27 thousand square meters and the building had been lasted for 11 years. It is the largest project of Zakhi which has got the Sterling award (Great Britain) in the 2010th year.

- Sky SOHO in Shanghai
Consists of an office building, shopping center and unites three identical arenas for amusement parks and offices. It is located near the center of Shanghai and Hongqiao’s airport.

Besides these constructions Zaha projected a ski jump in Innsbruck, new national stadium to Tokyo, Phaeno scientific center in Wolfsburg, the multipurpose Signature Towers complex in Dubai, the cultural center in Vilnius and many other architectural constructions which have become cultural property of the modern world.
It should be noted the attitude of Zaha towards Russia. The first travel of the architect was in 2004 when she was given the Pritskerovsky award . The ceremony took place in the northern capital (Saint — Petersburg). The same year Zaha made a lecture in the Central House of the Architect in Moscow. In 2005 she has arrived to Moscow again to hold a master class. In 2012 the private residence Capital Hill near Barvikha for the billionaire Vladislav Doronin and his wife Naomi Campbell has been built. Feature of this construction is the tower periscope 22 m high.
In 2015 one more project of Zakhi — Dominion Tower has been submitted to the capital. The building in style of vanguard is 9 floors high and 25 700 sq.m. It had a difficult destiny. Construction begun in 2008, then it was frozen because of economical crisis in Russia, afterwards it was restored thanks to the architect N. Lyutomsky and his offer to reduce the price of the project and in 2012th the tower was started over again. Thus, in two years it has been built, but on it the history doesn’t come to an end. According to Yury Bolotov, the editor-in-chief of The Village, the building designed in the 2000th years now is unjustified luxury than need — that’s why it’s hard to find people who want to rent offices there.

Besides grandiose projects, Zaha Hadid is engaged in creation of drawings, scenery, installations, furniture, clothes, footwear and home decoration. It is possible to look at her works in MOMA (The Museum of Modern Art in New York) and in the German museum of architecture in Frankfurt. Practically till last days she gave lectures and held master classes.